Record Breaking High Winds Hit Cleveland


If you live in Northeast Ohio you are no stranger to heavy rain, wind and snow.

This season has seen record high winds at nearly 70 degrees and the structural damage to both residential and commercial properties was intense.

News 5 Cleveland reported dozens of pictures featuring significant residential and commercial property damage.

If your property was hit hard this season, we can help.

Our experts will give you everything you need to safely repair any and all damage, and inspect the entire structure for fractures you may not even see.

We are proud to work quickly and efficiently to ensure your building remains safe and strong and will guide you every step of the way from that first call to our final recovery plan.

Don’t let another day go by with a building that is not secure.

We are proud to be ready 24/7 when weather disaster strikes and invite you to contact us today.


Jump into Spring with a Renovation


Water Damage Renovation at Lakewood United Methodist Church