The Defense Against Disastrous Seasonal Flooding Your Property Needs


While most of us look forward to Spring's pleasant weather, experienced property managers know the changing seasons bring about a flood of elements to tackle.

Most counties in Northeast Ohio have seen flood warnings or advisories already this year, while the Ohio River at Cincinnati has even reached its highest point in two decades, a full eight feet above the flood stage.

Between pooled mud, ruined materials, sewage backups, and other destruction, thousands of structures are under inspection to assess the heavy damage.

Of course, it's not just excess rain that's to blame for moisture damage this season. All winter long, freezing and melting precipitation has been wearing away your materials, creating cracks when temperatures drop, and leaving these vulnerable areas exposed for the next big sleet or snow.

This process, called the freeze-thaw cycle, eventually deteriorates your foundation, framework, and other structural powerhouses, allowing cracks to worsen and giving moisture a path for destruction.


As melting snow makes way for heavy spring rains, it's crucial to know the state of your property and plan for the weather ahead.

Tough winter conditions can also cause hidden damage to your concrete, asphalt, rock, stone, brick, and other materials, that will only now begin to reveal themselves. If your building took a beating this year, you could be looking at an ease of access for invasive flooding, growing mold, and other disasters with the next rainfall. 

As melting snow makes way for heavy spring rains, it's crucial to know the state of your property and plan for the weather ahead. With experienced preventative care, routine maintenance, and annual inspections, you can protect your building every step of the way. 

If the elements do get the best of your property, securing timely, knowledgeable first response relief to assess and manage the damage is crucial for the fate of your building. 

To learn more about flood damage defense and cleanup this season, contact DANE Contractors, and take control of your property once and for all.


Preventing the Devastation of Flooding in Your Home


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